Holistic Options For Chronic Pain Solutions

By Michelle Baker

There is a lot of people who suffer from chronic pain and they will at point be wanting to get treatment to at least reduce the pain. There is a vast array of different chronic pain solutions and these include holistic therapies.

Some people find a change in diet can have a positive impact on their pain. Reducing inflammation is one of the best ways to deal with the pain. Foods such as whole brown rice, cinnamon, ginger, walnuts, turmeric and flax seeds oil can help to reduce inflammation. Foods that include an ingredient known as quercetin can help to reduce inflammation and these foods can also work as antihistimine, which means that they will be able to help you deal with allergies.

There are some drinks that have anti-inflammatory properties and these would also be wroth trying. These drinks include decaffeinated chai tea, decaffinated green tea, chamomile tea, ginger and chrysthaemum and also ginger juice. Camomile tea is a very drink when you need to soothes nerves and it is best brewed for about fifteen minutes in order to get the maximise benefit. These are all also very good drinks if you want to detox.

There is some food items that can also aggravate chronic pain therefore these are foods that are probably best avoided. The foods that should be avoided for at least eaten in small amounts are foods that are high in fat, carbohydrates especially white sugar potatoes, white flour or rice flour. Foods that are very spicy should also be avoided and hydrogenated fats and partially hydrogenated foods.

Acupressure and medical process that work on the energy in the body are other options that can work well with chronic pain. Acupressure is an easy process and it has been taken from Chinese style medicines and this process does not require needles.

This treatment method works by stimulating certain areas of the body because it releases the natural endorphins. The chemicals work to reduce the amount of pain that you are suffering from. Acupressure has been found to be effective when it it used for treating pain in the lower back.

Some of the techniques that are used in acupuncture are very similar to the ones that are used in western massage techniques such as shiatsu and this involves manipulating the tissues. There is some holistic practitioners who will use a number of different techniques in the hope of maximising the effectiveness of the treatment. The method known as acupressure is not a very invasive process and it will not in any way aggregate the pain

If you are not keen on holistic therapies as a way to deal with the pain then there is also a number of medical treatments that are available. It is best to look into the different options that are available and decide what you would prefer to try. Mediation is another treatment that may be worth considering when you are tyring to ease the amount of pain that you are in. It will take time to find the treatment that works best for you and you will need to persevere.

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