Perhaps Stem Cell Research Facilities Will Change The Face Of Medical Treatment

By Henry Robinson

Mankind has never been satisfied with accepting the status quo. From the beginning of time, man has endeavored to improve his lot and to make things easier for himself. It is only natural that great efforts have been made over the ages to conquer deadly diseases and in the process major successes have been accomplished. Diseases that killed millions of people are now treated routinely and successfully. At stem cell research facilities scientists hope to achieve the next major breakthrough.

Bone marrow transplants have been performed for some years. Until now, however, only patients suffering from leukemia and other serious blood related diseases received them. These patients often receive chemo therapy and this kills all the cells indiscriminately. With bone marrow transplants, the idea is to stimulate the growth of new, healthy cells. The treatment is no yet failsafe, however, and it is still used only as a last resort.

Bone marrow transplants hold much promise, but they are definitely not a cure for cancer. Researchers hope that this will change. They are working on ways that will eventually result in marrow transplants actually curing many types of cancer and other serious diseases. These studies are slow and tedious, however, and progress is very slow. Researchers admit that a major breakthrough in the battle against cancer is still some time off.

It is not just a possible cure for cancer that interests researchers in this field. They think that bone marrow transplants will one day also be used to replace damaged cells in the brain itself. If this becomes possible, the terrible consequences of diseases like Alzheimer and other degenerative brain diseases could be turned back. Those suffering from physical brain damage and spine injuries will also benefit.

Heart disease is still one of the three biggest killer diseases in the world. Researchers are working at ways in which to replace damaged heart cells with healthy ones which will grow there after a bone marrow transplant. This is exciting news because the ability to cure many different types of heart disease will benefit millions of people. Research in this area is still in its infancy, however.

There are numerous critics and controversy constantly surrounds the issue of bone marrow transplants. Critics say that there is not a shred of scientific evidence that bone marrow transplants hold any benefits. In fact, they say that these transplants are extremely risky. There are major ethical obstacles too, because it has become common practice to harvest the cells from the umbilical cord of babies still in the womb. This should raise many red flags.

Critics are adamant that researchers have not made any progress at all. They attract massive funding by extolling the numerous benefits that their research will eventually offer to mankind. Critics say that these benefits, if they can ever be realized at all, are many years in the future. The hype and publicity surrounding this type of research only serve to create false hope and unrealistic expectations.

One thing is sure, however. If even a fraction of the potential benefits of bone marrow transplants can be unlocked millions of people will indeed benefit. One can just hope that radical new treatment methods are really just around the corner.

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