Facts About The Lymphedema Disease

By Christine Stone

Over the years that has passed, many people hard already been suffering from various diseases. They worry a lot about it because they may receive severe damage in their health. Some would really have a hard time recovering. There is a known sickness where the patient would wear Lymphedema Clothing Tulsa just to hide their infections on their skins.

Lymphemeda is referred to as the swelling that can be found on either one of your arms or legs. But most cases the patient would have the swelling on both their arms and legs. The cause of this is when the lymph nodes are removed or get damaged because it is part of cancer treatment.

We have a part in our immune system called the lymphatic system which is helpful in carrying out the bacteria which are in our body. When the blockage of the which fluid which carries the bacteria is blocked, in return of such removal or damage in such part, it would make the bacteria create infection in the which it was stuck.

This is classified into two kinds the Primary and Secondary Lymphedema. They occur in very different ways, the cause is very different from the other. They differ on how the system received the damage. Because once the bacteria is carried out is blocked the bacteria may cause infections to happen on a part of your body, this would mostly occur on arms or legs.

When we talk about the secondary, this occurs because of the lymph node that may have been removed or got damaged because of how the treatment was done. When a part of the system would be removed and damaged, there will always be a chance where it could prevent the fluid to properly flow. The primary is when there has been an old disease that affected the fluid circulation.

Experts have been finding a way on how they will cure this kind of skin infection. But as far as they can do they are still having a hard time finding a cure for this disease. Although when it is still early for the swelling to grow, there are still some things you can do. It can be treated with a diagnosis and if you carefully take care of the infected part.

Like any other diseases, this also has symptoms or vital signs that you are already having this. When you notice that a part of either your arm or leg, this would include your finger or toes, is already having swells. If you ever there is a heavy or tight feeling. The range of your motion is restricted. When there are aching and discomfort, other recurring infections, and you are experiencing fibrosis or the skin hardening and thickening.

There are cases on where the symptoms or the swelling which is caused by the lymphedema can be barely noticeable but on the latter parts, it will change the leg and arms size. You should remember that it will not take years after it would occur because of the cancer treatment that is triggering it.

The best way for you is to always visit your doctor. Never hesitate to get checked up. Because as what I have mentioned. There are possibilities where the symptoms will be so vague. So just better see him for this.

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