Important Aspects On Treatment Of Back Pain Clarksville TN Residents Should Know

By Alyssa McCall

Back pain remains a common cause of hospital visits and absenteeism from work all over the world. It is estimated that at least 8 in 10 people will have at least one episode of this symptom in their lifetime. The severity varies from one episode to another and from one person to another. There a number of important things on back pain Clarksville TN residents should know so as to be in a position to comfortably deal with it.

The condition may be classifies as being either acute or chronic depending on the duration of time for which it has existed. If it has lasted for less than two weeks it is said to be acute and if longer than this, it is thought to be chronic. There may or may not be other associated symptoms. For instance, these people usually have limitations in movement due to muscle ache that radiates to the limbs. Back flexibility is usually reduced.

There are many causes for this condition. Generally, the causes can be considered as originating from the various components of the spinal column. These include the skin, the bony elements, the joints, nerves, the discs, the ligaments and the muscles. It is not easy to distinguish the symptoms originating from each of these tissues. Muscle aches are usually the result of strains and spasms. The synovial joints in the spinal column are the cause of symptoms in at least 30% of persons.

To diagnose the condition, your physician will subject you to a physical examination after taking a thorough history. One of the most important investigations that may be requested is the X-ray. The X-ray helps in determining the alignment of bones and to rule out arthritis and broken bones. CT scans and MRIs will help in the diagnosis of soft tissue lesions such as tendons, nerves, ligaments, muscles and blood vessels.

Treatment should be started with conservative measures. Cold compression therapy has been established to be effective in mild cases. It can be used for management of cases that result from excessive straining due to sports, gardening and lifting. Inversion therapy is good for temporary relief. Electrotherapy has been suggested in some cases and has been shown to be beneficial in a number of circumstances. Ultrasound has now fallen out favor for treatment of these cases.

Alternative medicine options may be considered if the available options in mainstream medical practice prove ineffective. Chiropractic has continued to gain in popularity in this area. Acupuncture is another popular option that involves the use of needles to relive symptoms in the affected region. Other useful therapies that can be used include yoga and massage.

Surgery should only be considered as a last resort. It is recommended for persons that are experiencing a progression of symptoms in spite of management with conservative options. Conditions that are likely to benefit include, among others, spinal stenosis, disc herniation and degenerative disc diseases. The area most commonly affected by these conditions is the lumbar spine.

The most important thing on management of back pain Clarksville TN residents should be aware of is when to seek treatment. While a number of cases are responsive to home therapies, many others are serious enough to require specialised intervention. Failure to respond to home treatment for 72 hours calls for consultation. Bladder and bowel dysfunction in the presence of back pain requires urgent medical attention.

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