Our Best Selling Warts Removal Product Ever On The Market.

By Byrann Franzen

Most people with warts also have questions such as, what causes warts, are they contagious and can they be prevented? Within the body of this article I will answer those questions, along with providing you with safe effective methods to remove your warts.

Warts are caused by a virus known as the human papilloma virus,(HPV). There are numerous forms of this virus, (HPV) and the different forms are typically responsible for the different types of warts that appear as growths on the skin. This different types of warts include, plantar, flat, genital and common warts. Warts are indeed contagious, and occur when the virus come in contact with the skin. This virus is most likely to enter your skin in a place where the skin is broken, such as through scratches or cuts.

I have to caution you early that if you are getting rid of those warts purely for cosmetic reasons, that is to say to enhance your looks and physical appearance, the medical expenses may not be claimable. Please check with your insurance company and the dermatologist.

Broadly, there are 5 removal methods in the market, and 4 are done at the dermatologist. The last type is self-administered.

Excision with Scissors/Scalpel

This is one the most conventional removal method used by most dermatologist. The warts are excised or cut off from the skin at the base. This is the preferred option for large warts.

It's also important that you keep your skin free of cuts, and healthy. You should never share towels or bathmat's in public locations such as gym, and when showering in public locker rooms always wear rubber-soled flip-flops or sandals.

Before deciding to remove these growths you should know that some warts will go away on their own without treatment. However, that might take months or even years for the wart disappear completely.

Laser Surgery Perhaps the most expensive method of all, laser surgery is also reputed to be the most thorough way to remove the warts.

Finally, the last common removal method which can be carried out at home is by using over-the-counter medications. Visit the pharmacy and purchase plasters, solution or gel containing tretinoin, salicylic acid or other medications containing skin-exfoliating agents.

While the above methods are commonly applied by most people, there are still associated risks you must consider. External procedures performed at the dermatologist can be painful and in some cases, the wounds can remain uncomfortable and irritating for several days.

Warts are also notorious for being a recurring skin condition.

One natural, but effective method of removal can be accomplished with an item you probably already have in your house, duct tape. Waterproof adhesive tape, or duct tape works equally well with this method.

Start by taking one or two small pieces of tape and placing it over the wart. Leave the tape in place for 6 to 7 days, that remove the tape and allow the wart to stay open to the air for 12 hours. Repeat the process as many times as necessary to completely remove the growth.

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