Efforts To Sickle Cell Disease Prevention

By Colette Foreman

This is a blood disorder also called sickle cell anaemia. It is named after the apparent shape of the red blood cells due to the condition. These cells take on a sickle formation which makes accomplishment of basic functionality quite a pickle. One of the many effects of that is organ malfunction and failure eventually. A cure for this monstrous disease is yet to be discovered. However, Sickle Cell Disease Prevention is not impossible if ideal steps are taken.

Specialists of the human body anatomy and genetics attribute this deadly condition to genetic mutations. This mutation is said to occur in the haemoglobin genes and as a result the red blood cells change form. The new cells are now sickle in shape and have an acute limitation to the amount of oxygen that they can take in. This creates a deficit of oxygen in the body organs which in terms causes improper functioning.

This condition is mostly hereditary. It is passed on from parents to off springs for generations. The inheritance occurs when the parents pass on two hemoglobin genes with the sickle character to the offspring. Just like any other ailment, this condition has a number of signs and symptoms. These are usually evident right from infantry as the child is born weak and sickly.

A person with sickle cell anaemia experiences general body weakness and low energy levels. They get fatigued frequently and cannot endure much hardship. They also experience severe pains in various body parts and organs. The signs also include experiencing respiratory complications as they have problems breathing. This is due to frequent chest pains. The pains also occur in the joints and sometimes arthritis.

The abnormal cells also sometimes clump up and form rigid structures in the body. These structures are known to stick on to the blood vessel wall and hindering blood movement. This causes very severe pains in the body. The occurrence of these structures poses a serious threat to crucial organs in a body. The organs at risk here are the heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidney and many others. This fact makes the ailment one of the deadliest.

Sickle cell ailment can also lead to numerous human body complications. One of these complications is the fact that it increases the risks for bacterial infections severely. The narrowed blood vessels also increase chances of stroke occurring to the person. This is usually a silent stroke that comes without a warning. For pregnant women, this condition can cause abortion.

Remedies to this disease have been in use for a while now. No cure has been announced though. The prevention and treatments are aimed at improving the signs and symptoms. Pain remedies are advised to deal with the aches experienced in the body. It is also advised that one with the condition should get frequent medical attention.

Use of vaccine to prevent further attacks from other diseases is also a good option. Anti-malarial medicines are prescribed in advance to patients so as to safeguard them. Also for highly at risk patients, more advanced medications are used. Some of these medications involve changing blood and getting bone marrow donors.

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