What You Need To Know About Learning Disability

By Serena Price

A significant percentage of people who have serious difficulties in receiving processing and storing information have a learning disability. This problem is as a result of poor development of the brain. In such scenarios, children struggle to perform basic reading and writing. It is important to note that most parents do not known what is wrong with their children until their performance is extremely below what is expected.

Learning is a natural process for most people. It is normal for a child to grasp sounds, and learn to speak, sing and even coordinate their movements. In certain cases, children have difficulties in processing sounds and recognizing colors. At first, most parents think that their children have impaired vision or hearing. Also, they may think that a child has attention deficient disorder.

It is important to note that most people who have these kinds of challenges have problems when it comes to language processing. Poor language processing can be identified when children consistently struggle to read simple sentences that their peers easily read. In such a scenario, a child with this problem would often confuse letters and words when reading. Also, they hardly make sense of what they are reading and quickly forget.

There are different forms of disabilities that can affect the ability of a person to learn. One of the biggest challenges one can face is difficulty in language processing. When it comes to this type of disability, a child often struggles to arrange words correctly in their speech. In addition to this, they find it hard to easily read and understand a simple sentence. Another major challenge that these children have to battle with is poor memory.

Poor arithmetic skills can be pointed out when a child finds it hard to do simple counting and mental sums. In this case, children with such a problem often find it hard to grasp simple mathematical concepts that seem obvious to a normal person. Proper analysis of a young person at an early age is very important. This enables the parents to take the necessary steps that can help their young one develop their learning abilities.

When it comes to language processing difficulties, children with this difficulty would often confuse sounds and letters in their speech. This confusion happens especially when words are similar in pronunciation. Another way of identifying language processing difficulties is by checking on the reading skills of a young one. Often, such children will take a long time to read a single sentence. It is important to note that poor reading in many cases is accompanied by poor writing skills. Most children with this difficulty tend to confuse words and struggle to get simple spellings right.

Poor mathematical skills are characterized by one not being able to perform simple mental sums. In such a case the young one struggles to understand concepts of time and numbers. Before parents arrive at the conclusion that their young one has learning related disabilities, they should consult a child specialist and let their child undergo cognitive tests so that the problem is clear.

After determining the level of learning disability, parents can plan the way forward with the help of education consultants who have specialized in educating children with such challenges. These specialists have the relevant knowledge to help a person develop their ability to learn independently over time. It is important to note that one may have to devote their time and money for this process to work successfully.

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