Revolutionary Advances In Antiaging Therapies Greatly Diminish The Aging Process And Increase Lifespans

By Ml Carroll

If You have an inadequate or poor diet. Moreover, if you are exposed to environmental pollutants, antiaging foods high in the vitamins and minerals needed to maintain health, can prevent unstable molecules call free radicals from intensifying and causing damage to tissues and vital organs.

Foods containing phytonutrients, which are plants rich in antioxidants, curtail excess free radical accumulation in your body, repair and replace your body's cells, and powerfully enhance immune system resistance. Incidentally, helping you live longer while feeling better and preventing disease and ailments.

Plants are color typed by naturally occurring organic pigments. Tan vegetables, like grains, beans and nuts contain cholesterol lowering phytosterols; cartenoids like tomatoes, kale and bell peppers are red, yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables

Foods like these can enhance all of your bodily functions by stepping up blood vessel development and assisting in the body's reconstruction of impaired organs and tissue. They provide your body with improved endurance, longer lifespan, enhanced ability to sleep, and a feeling of vitality, energy, calmness and well being.

Free radicals are guarded against by antioxidant molecules that prevent the oxidation of cells, tissues and organs. Oxidation is a chemical reaction the produces free radical molecules that speed aging. Antioxidants are molecules that prevent the oxidation of biological systems by free radicals impeding harm to cells, DNA and disease causation.

Antioxidants cause a chemical reaction in the human body that prevents the oxidation of biological systems, organs and cells. They play a substantial role in human health, and are derived from essential nutrients like vitamin C which stimulates cellular growth to magnesium for nerve and muscular tissue health to vitamin E, which prevents free radical formation when fat undergoes oxidation. Antioxidants cannot be produced by the body. They play a critical role in human health by impeding the aging process and preventing disease.

Vitamins A, E, C and a yellow compound, found in citrus fruit, called bioflavonoids are antioxidants that aid in lessening the visible signs of aging like wrinkles, poor skin, sagging skin and skin discoloration. They fight diseases like osteoporosis, atherosclerosis. They also reduce hypertension and increase the relaxation of muscles in the cardiovascular system.

An exceptional development in antiaging therapy is the proven scientific success of resveratrol in slowing aging. The substance is a member of a class of plant chemical compounds called polyphenols and is an antioxidant. It is a component of red wine, knotweed, blueberries and other plants. Scientific research has also shown that it's effective against obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Resveratrol, a polyphenol and antioxidant, stops the oxidation of (LDP), or low density protein. The antioxidant makes it harder for cancer cell to aggregate and form blood clots that can result in a heart attack. It also obstructs the spread cancer of cells, triggers the process of cancer cell death and impedes inflammation.

Blood insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes, is a disorder where the body becomes less sensitive to the effects of the blood glucose lowering hormone. Resveratrol assists in preventing this disorder.

Resveratrol enhances cell survival, blood glucose metabolism and insulin regulation. The polyphenol also activates critical metabolic avenues. For example, it triggers a sensor called AMPK which maintains cell homeostasis, and a longevity gene called SIRT1, or sirituin 1 that involved in lifespan extension

The polyphenol resveratrol inhibits the enzymes CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP1B1 in tumor cells, and reduces oxidative stress. It helps decrease prostrate gland tumorigenesis, or the process where cells become cancerous, by reducing prostatic levels of mTORC1, an enzyme associated with tumors.

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