What Type of Sickness is Thrush

By Pearl I. Webster

What is it?

Thrush (Candidiasis) is a disease derivative by diverse strains of Candida, parasites (fungi), above all Candida albicans. Infection of mucous membranes, as in the mouth or vagina, is current amid individuals with normal immune systems. Still, the particular circumstances are major habitual or persistent in diabetics or Hiv-positive patients and pregnant women, if you have this problem should seek a Candidiasis Treatment.

The Candidiasis is among the most common diseases that act on people also could even be said that ever almost entirely men suffer throughout his life. There are three types of human fungal infections: superficial, intermediate and deep candidiasis. The common in Spain are in the surface and candidiasis. In this section we review mucocutaneous candidiasis, that pathogen is the 'Candida albicans'.


The most species are saprophytic Candida and can be part of the derma flora with the exception of Candida Albicans, that is during the skin is an etiologic operator of primary candidiasis. There are various things predisposing to candida infection: a host dependent and different environmental condition. Within the first are the physiological, hereditary and acquired. So infants, women in the premenstrual period or pregnant patients with Down disease, diabetes, lymphomas, leukemia, taking antibiotics or corticosteroids or immunosuppressive or have debilitating diseases are more easily able to develop this dermatitis. Environmental elements moisture, heat, chronic maceration, for example, the corners in the elderly, the ill-fitting dentures, the friction amid two skin surfaces favor contagion.


Diagnostics alternate depending on location. From the dermatological point of view concerned in mucous and cutaneous candidiasis. In the first and affecting the mucosa is thrush. This occurs as plaques creamy-white plates that converge in at back of tongue, soft palate, gingival and genital mucosa. By division reveal a red lining and congestive. Disease could still manifest as a red tongue, smooth, shiny and painful or as an appearance of the corners of the mouth in the form of triangular plates, scaling and fissures at the midpoint or affecting the lips, firstly the inferior-colored with adherent scales gray and erosion.

The genito-perianal mucosa is other frequent area of these microorganisms, accounting for 20-30 percent of genital infections. It occur as redness and swelling of the labia minora that can continue into labia, perineum, inguinal folds and cleft, helped by itching and burning. The identical disease may act on male external genitalia. Among the cutaneous candidiasis we will refer to two tables: candidiasis of plies or candida intertrigo and onychomycosis.

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