How Smiling And Wisdom Tooth Extraction Enhance Your Appearance

By Allly Mason

A lot of women turn to cosmetics to look beautiful. In fact, in a study conducted by the Harries Interactive on behalf of Renfrew Center Foundation, 44% of ladies say they feel unattractive with no makeup on. Are you one of these women?

Indeed, the primary purpose of wearing makeup is to enhance your appearance. But there is no need to rely on these products to look gorgeous. Even without lipstick or eyeliner on, you can still be beautiful as long as you put a smile on your face. In a separate research, it was found that women who smile are deemed as very lovely by men.

So, do not just focus on purchasing makeup but also work towards having a terrific smile. Find out how to have whiter teeth or in case you have a missing tooth, learn about dental implants. These things are going to be very helpful since a great smile is often equated with having a complete set of pearly white teeth. But in the pursuit for a head-turning smile, never forget your wisdom teeth.

The third molars, more commonly known as wisdom teeth, are the last teeth to grow. As this type of tooth's growth often causes concerns for many, it's a common practice to extract wisdom tooth. Impaction and partial eruption are the most common reasons why people are encouraged to undergo wisdom tooth extraction.

There are some situations though, where these teeth grow correctly. However, even with correct and problem-free growth, dentists may still have to extract wisdom tooth. It's because, sometimes, the growth of the wisdom tooth crowds adjacent teeth and jeopardises previous efforts to properly align the teeth. This particular problem is an obstacle to having a great smile. Additionally, failure to clean them correctly paves the way for decay, infection and other dental maladies which can make you less confident and attractive.

So, to prevent wisdom tooth from hindering you from having an irresistible smile, visit your dentist. Bear in mind, however, that wisdom tooth extraction should only be administered once it's established that the molar is causing problems. Removing it to avert future dental problems is greatly discouraged by experts. To get the right treatment and excellent dental care, be sure you enlist the services of a reputable dentist.

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