Female Hormones

By Jake Alexandre

There are many hormones produced by our body and hormones act on every cell of our body. Hormonal balance plays a vital role in maintaining good health and resistance. If there is deficiency of some hormone or in case imbalance hormones are artificially provided to the person or at times we replace the hormones. The purpose of hormone replacement is to add block or remove hormones.

And also sufficient balance of bodily hormones for both the males and the females is so vital although female hormones are most vital due to the fact that they operate reproductive system. Estrogen and pituitary is amongst crucial female hormones that are discharged by the ovary and also is in charge of the distinctive female sexual characteristics.

Since hormones interact with the low or high level of female hormone (mainly estrogen FSH, LH and Estordia) in the body can start to cause problems with other hormones namely progesterone. At times it takes place due to needless use of medicine additional use of cosmetics and non organic animal products. As women age hormone levels start disturbing and female hormones replacement is a system of medical treatment in which the women receives hormones either to supplement a lack of naturally occurring hormones or to substitute other hormones for naturally occurring hormones. There are different causes of Estrogen imbalance but usually it happens when there is either extra production or under production of this particular hormone. And usually female hormones secretion fluctuates when women are either menopausal or postmenopausal.

Estrogen replacement in female hormones is the medical administration of estrogen it may sometimes also include the use of progestin. It is also known as ERT it replaces those female hormones which the ovaries no longer produce either through natural or surgical menopause and provide relief from the unpleasant symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and night sweats etc .

Bioidentical Hormones (non synthetic) female hormones replacement is quite famous for menopause treatment. And it is safer than any synthetic replacement therapy specifically for women. It contains unique compounds that are processed chemically and made into identical replicas of hormones the body produces. These therapies help women who are facing many symptoms of hormones fluctuations.

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