Easy Tips On Obtaining Angina Relief Naturally And Effectively

By Virginia Baker

Although the heart is the organ tasked at pumping blood to the different areas of the body, it does still need to be provided with blood. Without sufficient blood containing oxygen, chest pain happens. Health authorities confirm that it's something that can significantly increase an individual's risk of a heart attack. It goes without saying that it is a really serious issue. One needs to carefully abide by the treatment plan recommended by a doctor to fend off complications. There are also some tips on effectively obtaining angina relief, although consulting a doctor before attempting to try them is highly suggested.

Lemon. Loads of antioxidants found in lemon juice are very good at lowering cholesterol. One of the reasons why the heart fails to obtain enough oxygenated blood at times is the clogging of the arteries caused by high cholesterol levels. Adding lemon juice to the diet can help in fending off high cholesterol and the many problems it brings.

Pineapples. Aside from antioxidants, there are certain naturally existing compounds in pineapples that are proven effective for reducing cholesterol. It's for this reason why you should regularly consume fresh pineapples. If they're not in season, fret not as 100 percent pure pineapple juice in cans may be taken instead.

Garlic. The reason why this cooking herb can help in fending off chest pain is it can cause your blood to thin. Such is actually a good thing as it permits the blood to flow effectively even if there's narrowing of the arteries. Doctors suggest for you to swallow two to three uncooked cloves of garlic daily to keep heart attack and stroke from striking.

Onion. Another herb found in the kitchen that is superb at relieving angina is onion. To obtain the full health benefits it's known to offer, consume it uncooked or juiced. While onion can certainly cause your breath to stink, it can surely keep your chest from feeling achy.

Ginger tea. To lower your risk of encountering chest pain, have a few cups of ginger tea per day. Studies have shown that this herbal tea is capable of dealing with things that can cause cardiovascular problems. Ginger tea can lower bad cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and also slow down your resting heart rate.

Honey. Unlike table sugar, honey doesn't trigger inflammation which is something that harms the circulatory system. Employing it as a sweetener may reduce the blood pressure and cholesterol, too. Honey also helps fend off obesity as well as diabetes, both of which can endanger the heart. However, it's important to ensure that the honey you are about to consume is the kind that's pure and organic as something artificial can do more harm instead of good.

Aside from the above mentioned tips, it's also important to embrace a healthier lifestyle in order to keep at bay problems that can cause the chest to ache. For instance, a smoker should quit smoking as it's a risk factor for heart disease. Alcohol consumption should be done in moderation. It's also highly suggested to reduce high levels of stress and get a good night's sleep each time.

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