Reasons To Safely Stop Dieting Now

By Martha Kennedy

Results by different participants of dieting programs have ignited debate on the value of such undertakings. Experts in health and nutrition are opposed to such plans such that they prevail on participants to abandon them. They provide reasons to stop dieting now which are backed by facts and experiments. It is the lack of weight loss guarantee and the resulting frustration that is causing many of them to advise against such plans.

The results of being on diet are not sustainable. Only a partly 20 percent have managed to diet and achieve desired results over a year. By the end of two years, the percentage has decreased. This is an indication of a failed process especially because it is not natural. Failure leads to disappointment that affects the esteem of a person. It may lead to eating disorder which causes the culprit to add more weight.

A large number of entrants leave the program halfway causing them to add more weight than they had at the beginning. This is a natural reaction as the body attempts to recover the fats or pounds lost. This leaves most dieters with low self esteem and a feeling of failure. They are frustrated and will sometimes eat uncontrollably.

Dieting confuses your body leading to internal conflict. There is a feeling of hunger and decreased metabolism. The human body responds through an adaptive thermo genesis mechanism. It seeks to keep the body fat level constant. Signals sent to the nervous system reduce fat metabolism though you will feel extreme hunger. The body will be working against natural wishes leading to conflict.

Dieting is a time and energy consuming endeavor. Your consciousness levels are always high since you have to think about calories in foods, the amounts to take, what foods to take and the time the foods are to be taken. This means that you have no freedom to enjoy natural eating. To stick to such a strict program, you need to summon a lot of energy, time and willpower. The restrictive eating cycle leads to conflict with natural instincts and a lot of guilt feeling.

Dieting is an outside approach. It feels as though your body is receiving authority from outside on what should be consumed, when and how. It means that you will be required to ignore hunger or craving in order to meet the demands of your program. This authority is disconnected from personal preferences. This is disorienting to the body and might result in resistance. The signal sent to your body is that you do not respect its desires.

There is the possibility of overeating from guilt and craving. The body raises the instinctive value of certain foods when they are restricted. It results from a feeling of deprivation and a strong craving. Once the craving becomes uncontrollable, you feel guilty and end up eating in an uncontrollable manner. You enter into an eat-repent-eat-repent cycle.

According to experts, there is need to accept your body size. Cultivate a culture of being happy and content with your body size. Further, obey cues by your body indicating fullness when eating. Be conscious of your size and do not allow it to dictate your activity or inactivity. Be conscious of signals sent when feeding without allowing them to control you.

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