Importance Of Workouts And Games For Dementia Patients

By Elaine Guthrie

For the patients that suffer from dementia and some other specific illnesses such as Alzheimer's, are limited to the activities and the games they can get involved in. This is because the disease mostly affects the elderly whose body are not that fit. However, there are games such as riddles and puzzles that can help improve the patient situation. Consider the following exercises and games for dementia patients.

Since they are limited to involving tasks and games they can visit a doctor who has specialized in the field and get to learn what the can engage in and is safe for them. The doctors will recommend not only the games and workouts but also the frequent in which they participate. Here are simple activities that can help improve the situation.

They should engage in aerobic exercises. These exercises not only improve the general health but also increase blood flow, strengthen the muscles, and improve the immune system. Depending on the fitness level, they can take around ten to thirty minutes of exercise. If the condition improves, the patients can increase the time taken in doing the exercises. These exercises include jogging, cycling, and physical activity that revitalizes the heart and lungs.

Weight training is something that the patient can engage in. The dementia patient can lift weights to increase metabolism and build lean muscle and fat. The lifting helps in controlling the blood sugar levels especially for those who suffer from diabetes. Diabetes affects a dementia patient strongly than they do to normal people. They can lift weights two or three times a week.

At times, the elderly have a problem with balance and being flexible; they sit or lay in the bed for a long time, which is not good for them. They should therefor practice flexibility and balancing activities. At first, they can do them for a few times per week, and increase as their body gets used to the activities. The workout include stretching, bending, and Tai chi. But before they do any activity for long, they should get recommendation from a physician otherwise they risk losing a limb or making their situation worse instead of improve it.

Dancing is a well-known form of therapy. It is recommendable to those who experience loss of memory, and dementia. It helps in stretching. As you dance, you will have to move the parts of your body. If they do this continuously, the patients lose weight. During the activity, the body warms up and blood circulation increases. Food, water other minerals get faster to their place of destination.

Since the brain is the one that is mostly affected, they can use drugs to help control the effects. The drugs are expensive so those who cannot afford them should consider psychical activity as the cheaper alternative.

Doctors and dementia patients have shown what benefits workouts and games can offer. Games such as puzzles, riddles, and boards help the brain muscles stretch and stimulate activity in the brain cells. If the brain muscles stretch, it will help reduce memory loss. Memory loss is common among the elderly. Nevertheless, ensure the workouts are supervised as they may cause unwanted harm. Keep up with the exercise and be consistent without fail.

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