Learning How To Lower Cholesterol Levels Without Having To Use Medication Is Not As Complicated As Many People Think.

By Olav Zhang

However, if you rely on healthcare professionals primarily for your health information, this is not the message you will receive. It seems that most doctors have much training in the use of medication but way too little training in nutrition.

If your doctor has recently told you that you need to get your cholesterol levels down, his first suggestion may be to use medication. However, due to the health risks associated with cholesterol medication, it should be left as a last resort.

Lowering cholesterol with food, supplements and increased amounts of exercise is the safest and most effective way to address the issue of high cholesterol.

Only after those readings come down should you begin consuming the leanest cuts of beef and pork such as sirloin and tenderloin. The high-fat cuts of meat such as prime rib, as enjoyable as they may be, do not belong in the diet of individuals who are working to keep their cholesterol down. The second change in your diet will require increasing the amounts of fruits and vegetables that you consume. The plant sterols and fiber contained in these foods are actually nature's "self regulating system" for cholesterol levels. Fiber helps eliminate high amounts of cholesterol in the system while plant sterols compete with cholesterol for absorption into the bloodstream.

As you seek to learn how to lower cholesterol levels, I invite you to visit my website to learn about lowering cholesterol with food and other natural methods to build a healthy cardiovascular system.

Basically, plant sterols help prevent cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream while the fiber found in these foods helps eliminate cholesterol from the body before it can be absorbed.

On my website I have included more detailed information on how to lower cholesterol levels. Learning about the foods and diets that are most effective will put you on the road to a healthier lifestyle and perhaps even extend your lifespan.

Do you want to know how to lower cholesterol naturally? The best ways to lower your cholesterol involve diet. A cholesterol lowering diet will be one which reduces to the greatest extent possible the amounts of saturated fats that you consume.

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