Fast and Homeopathic Remedies For Bacterial Vag

By Susan Jones

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is also known as vaginal bacteriosis. BV is created when there is an overabundance of bacteria in the vaginal area, causing disease. Its main risk factors appear to be a new or multiple sexual partners. Frequent douching is another cause. The symptoms are essentially a yellowish discharge from the vagina which has an unpleasant odor. Normal discharge is not smelly, and varies in color and consistency throughout the menstrual cycle. Finding a natural treatment for bacterial vaginosis is preferred by many women.

Women who experience this type of disease, usually don't have pain, irritation or membrane redness. The embarrassment and smell of the discharge, however will usually send the woman searching for something to provide a solution. The overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina can be addressed using natural measures. Drugs or prescriptions are unnecessary and healthier for the overall system health. It is important for you to be certain of the diagnosis, since some women mistakenly believe that the condition is a "yeast infection." The condition known as "Trichomoniasis" is not caused by bacteria, but is also mistaken for BV.

Most women want to use both remedies for stopping the odor and the discharge. Because the pH of the condition is one way in which a positive diagnosis is made, by altering the pH, the symptoms can be alleviated. Generally, when the pH is too alkaline, the bacterial growth can flourish. So, changing the vaginal environment to a more acidic condition should alleviate the symptoms.

Some of the ingredients that are used for altering the pH is boric acid. A 500 mg capsule of boric acid powder placed in the vagina every night for two weeks changes the alkaline level. A brief soak in bath water that contains apple cider vinegar is one manner of changing the pH to a more acidic condition.

A good starting point is douching with a solution of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. Retain the liquid in the vagina for two or three minutes before expelling it. Externally, a paste of baking soda can be applied for a few minutes while showering. The HP should not be diluted with water for best results.

Another way to get rid of the condition is taking vitamin D3. The supplement may be used in conjunction with other techniques. The suggested dosage is 50,000 units per week, for eight full weeks. D3 is an oil-based supplement, so taking it in gelcap form is preferred.

A tampon dipped in yogurt can be inserted into the vagina for relatively rapid topical remedies. Plain yogurt will help to get rid of odors. It is also very soothing. The tampon should be removed after a short time. The yogurt changes the tendency for bacteria growth.

It is important to find natural treatment for bacterial vaginosis, because the condition is linked to other health problems if not resolved. For example, infection risk during surgeries such as a hysterectomy is higher. There may be a risk of complications related to pregnancy. A woman with BV is at higher risk for contracting HIV and STIs.

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