How To Prevent Atherosclerosis And Live Longer

By Frank Walker

It is not a good thing to hear about atherosclerosis. However, it is bound to happen when people consume a lot of cholesterol because it can block the blood vessels. Arteries affected become narrower and may even block completely, thereby requiring a transplant in extreme conditions. Signs that show you may have it include leg pain, heart attack, erectile dysfunction, and poor wound healing.

Because this disease is deadly, one has to seek appropriate measures to prevent it. Ways to prevent atherosclerosis are vast and can depend on your age. However, there are general precautions to take by everyone who does not want this challenge. Obeying them strictly and doing all that you are required to do before it develops fully is crucial for your survival.

Smoking is bad, not just for the lungs, but also for the blood vessels. A smoker has higher risks of having atherosclerosis because the HDL, High-Density Lipoprotein, in his body is suppressed while LDL, Low-Density Lipoprotein, is elevated. The HDL is supposed to collect cholesterol and send them to where they will be metabolized but this becomes difficult to achieve. Consequently, cholesterol builds up and an examination on the blood vessels will show its build up there.

The disease can also be prevented by exercising the body. It must not be something stressful though it gets better with longer workouts. However, a simple 30 minutes walk each day is fair enough and recommendable for adults and seniors. Young people in their 20s can afford to participate in yoga or more intense workouts.

Some health conditions are risk factors for this disease. If you have got high blood pressure, for instance, make efforts to see that you can maintain it at the normal rate. Obesity is also associated with it. Two other diseases you should watch include diabetes and hypothyroidism.

What you eat can also facilitate, prevent or prolong atherosclerosis. Foods that can stop its manifestation include fruits and vegetables while those that can speed it up are butter and cheese. Seniors are advised to take milk with low cholesterol/fat composition and also take more of fruits in the night. Families can set up a diet plan where some vegetables are presented on specific days of the week.

To reduce the number of plaques formed by cholesterol, one's metabolic rate has to be high. One of the ways to achieve this very easily is by having adequate rest. If you can find between 6 and 8 hours to sleep every day, this would not be your problem.

In old age, usually from 50 years and above, the best possible form of prevention would be taking anti-cholesterol drugs. This drug would be as effective as performing exercises. Unfortunately, it has been discovered that not many old people remember to take this medicine after a few weeks they started it. Since everybody is predisposed to having atherosclerosis in the future, effective measures must be taken to avoid it.

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