Basic Notes On Why Do I Have Tennis Elbow If I Dont Play Tennis

By Cynthia Ward

The elbow is basically one of the body parts which is not given a lot of attention not until it experiences some pain. One kind of pain experienced around the elbow is the common pain around in your hand. For an individual to actually experience this type of condition one does not have to be a golf player or even an active player. Why do I have tennis elbow if I dont play tennis is basically a question which majority of individuals ask when diagnosed with such a condition.

This kind of pain is experienced in the instances when one overuses his forearm muscles. This leads to swelling either on the inside or on the outside of the elbow. This particular condition is also regarded to as epicondylitis which means a painful swelling around the tendons which surrounds the knuckle of an individuals arm.

Currently there has been a newer wave of patients who are common users of computers. There are a number of issues which cause computer users to suffer from this kind of pain. Such factors include poor posture especially around individuals shoulders. In the instances when individuals shoulders are poorly positioned the muscles especially those around the wrist tends to work extremely hard especially with typing and the use of mouse which creates an over use of such muscles.

Another factor which might lead to such pain is poor posture on the wrist. In the instances when the keyboard is elevated at a higher position, the muscles which extend to the wrist tends to be shortened which makes it harder for such muscles to function normally. Extended hours of working with your computer can also cause such kind of a pain.

The brace helps in minimizing the pain together with the swelling at a faster rate when compared to when you could have tried to limit the use of the elbow. There are several options for bracing which therefore compels an individual to be keen during the selection process. This is basically one method of relieving this kind of pain since ice stretch together with massage can be used.

In reality majority of individuals who suffer from such condition are individuals who do not play any game compared to the active players. Several conditions can cause this kind of a pain although it tends to be extremely different from other types of pain which therefore makes its diagnosis to be easy.

The physiotherapists usually develop a customized plan for an individuals recovery which is always based on an individuals physical activities as well as ones lifestyle. The treatment plan needs to incorporate acupuncture, manual therapy, muscle stretches, strengthening as well as ultra sound.

This condition is not a life threatening pain but it usually alters how one can be able to carry out his daily activities. In the instances when therapy and treatment procedures have not been successful individuals are advised to try surgery. Surgery aims at removing the degenerative tissue within thin the tendons.

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