Does Equine Rhinovirus Need Electromagnetic Treatment For Horses?

By Robin Setser

What are some of the best ways to take care of a runny nose, you may wonder? Even though a couple of tissues tend to work nicely, this is exercised by humans. What about animals, horses in particular? This is where the rhinovirus comes into the picture, which can prove to be serious if pet owners don't know how to protect it. Here is some information that you should know, not only in relation to the aforementioned virus but the possible impact of electromagnetic treatment for horses as well.

Rhinovirus, which is also called the rhino flu, affects the respiratory systems of horses. While humans can fall ill with this condition, companies the likes of Assisi Animal Health will tell you that equine animals can become affected by it as well. In fact, many of the symptoms that humans experience are ones that horses undergo as well. It's important to recognize the aforementioned symptoms, since it will give you a better understanding of what the rhinovirus is all about.

Anyone who is familiar with equine rhinovirus will tell you that a nasal charge is arguably the most common symptom of the aforementioned condition. This usually leads to difficulty breathing, but to say that this is the only symptom would be a lie. As a matter of fact, younger horses tend to experience these symptoms to more severe extents than older ones. For pet owners across the board, there are ways that you can solve this problem.

By consulting your local veterinarian, you are likely to be given a few different medications to help put the rhino flu at bay. Depending on the severity of the aforementioned symptoms or any other infections, antibiotics might be given as well. When it comes to relieving discomfort, electromagnetic treatment for horses has been cited as a useful method. In fact, this might be something to bring up during your next conversation with your vet.

If you were curious to learn about the rhinovirus and electromagnetic treatment for horses to boot, you should know that this information is just a sample of what you can pick up. What many people don't know is that horses can become sick, regardless of how physically able they tend to be. For pet owners around the world, an understanding of the best healing methods goes a long way. This is true for not only the rhino flu but other equine illnesses as well.

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