Ways To Sickle Cell Anemia Prevention

By Coleen Torres

This is a condition in which patients red blood cells are produced sickle shaped. No proven scientific methods of prevention have been devised but certain measures if followed to the later can aid the sickle cell anemia prevention to the patients and also increase quality in their lives.

This measures range from regular body checkups according to the recommended time frame of between 3-6 months, drink sufficient fluids to avoid dehydration and avoiding smoking or staying in smoky areas. Patients should be re relaxed and should also avoid crowded places and strenuous activities besides having thorough and timely eye examinations.

Vaccination against the common human diseases to patients in their tender and adult ages is very important in prevention of this disease. Childhood immunization procedures should be performed in due time and especially sickle cell patients in particular. Pneumococcal vaccination against pneumonia, influenza vaccines and meningococcal vaccine against meningitis administered at the age of five is some of the immunization procedures that should be followed to the latter.

Every year patients should have a tuberculosis skin test. Patients ought to indulge in prophylactic or preventive antibiotics that help prevent pneumonia among other serious common infections found in young ones and patients of this disease. An example of these antibiotics is penicillin which is given to anemic babies beginning from when they are 2 months old to 5 years old.

Diet and nutritional measures are also important measures in curbing of the disease. Patients ought to adhere to a calorie, proteins, fats; vitamin and mineral full each and every diet. Plenty of fluids are of utmost importance to patients in order to avoid dehydration. Example of foods that are rich in one or all the required nutrients for this kind of patients are like poultry meat, beef, soybeans, fruits like bananas, watermelon peanuts amongst a range of other.

Sickle cell anemia is a long term ailment. As such it comes with different social psychological and emotional effects like stress leading to depression, stigmatization by the community among others. Poor medical facilities and health care personnel is also a major challenge facing these patients in the world especially the third world countries. Patients and care givers should acquire stress free living conditions to avoid common ailments like depression. The community should also make sure that these kinds of patients are not stigmatized or alienated from the rest of the society.

In line with tackling this disease, patients are advised to learn positive thinking and cognitive behavioral skill that helps in pain reduction and also help them acquire copying skills. Support groups and research materials today have been made readily available through many different online platforms. Patients can also rely on the cheap and readily available methods of help from parents and professionals.

To conclude, one can almost effectively prevent themselves from bouts of pain and infections caused by this type of anemia by living stress free, having supportive members of their community, fulfilling themselves spiritually and career wise and indulging in humorous activities besides having an all round nutritious meals each and evenness day of their lives.

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