Useful Tips In Preparation For An HIFU Treatment

By Michael Henderson

As all Urology Health Solutions, Inc. HIFU doctors know, prostate cancer is reported as the second most common cancer among American men. Treatments known include radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy. The advent of HIFU routine treatment, or high frequency ultrasound energy, for localized prostate cancer has been hailed effective by many patients since its inception. Just like any treatment, the need to prepare for the long haul ahead is essential to the efficacy of the procedure and recovery.

HIFU's physical preparation requires proper guidance. Consulting with a credible urologist and an oncologist or surgeon is vital in the process. You have to undergo various phases of pre-examination to guarantee that you are qualified to undergo the procedure which usually takes four to five hours. Specific factors such as dietary and physically fit factors must be prepared to guarantee road to recovery.

Urinary continence is one of the commonly mentioned after-effects of high frequency ultrasound energy treatment. Getting ready via regular exercise will prove to be very efficient to the initiative. Kegels, walking and lower abdominal workout will help one get back to control bladder. A physical therapist can prepare your muscles with proper exercise which can be continued for recovery.

Diet should not be neglected during the course of the illness especially when preparing for treatment. Feast on immunity-boosting food groups like vegetables and fruits with yellow or orange colors. Aside from anti-oxidants, they are also known to promote protection. Additionally, protein-rich foods are essential in faster healing. Alcohol is also a no-no and so are foods with high inflammatory consequences.

Psychological readiness is another important aspect that must be looked upon before therapy. There is something sinister about cancer treatment that put fear in every patient's mind. Tapping their consciousness as well as presenting to them the possibilities they might encounter will help gear them in fighting the disease and understanding effects of the treatment. Some patients are required to go counseling to guarantee soundness of mind when being treated. Some usually extends this until full recovery.

Preparing yourself emotionally is also important along with the people you live with. Partners, spouses and children must be involved in the process in preparation for any purported consequences. Through proper understanding about the disease, the procedure and the recovery process as well as in the event of a relapse is essential to the overall well-being of the patient.

A day prior the procedure, bowel preparation will also be done at home. A light breakfast and clear fluids will be recommended for your diet. Two hours before admission, water might not be allowed as you will be given an enema and various blood tests, ECG, x-rays. Skin tests might also be given to check for drug or anesthetic allergies.

In everything else, being armed and ready for HIFU treatment physically, mentally and emotionally is essential to recovery. Preparation is an import factor that must not be taken lightly. The key to achieving all these is to choose efficiently the type of specialist who will be instrumental not just in treating the disease but also in steering you to the right direction during recovery.

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