Proctologists Studying A Natural Cure For Piles

By Alicia Bassinger

No matter how basic a surgical procedure is, there are risks associated with it. Because of this, doctors and patients alike are seeking a natural cure for piles. This condition, more commonly known as hemorrhoids, can be painful and sometimes requires surgery.

This part of the rectum assists the body with the passage of stool. A hemorrhoid located inside of the rectal area is generally painless, although there may be some bleeding associated with it. On the outside of the body, however, hemorrhoids can be quite painful, and can make it very difficult to sit in a car or at a desk.

Even if the hemorrhoids are external, they may still be hidden from view. These rectal varicosities can become itchy, swollen, and painful. There can be a lump felt around the anus. In very extreme cases, a blood clot can develop and the hemorrhoid becomes thrombosed.

Hemorrhoids which are above the dentate line are usually not painful or itchy. Their only real symptom most of the time is rectal bleeding which is seen when one passes stool. The exception to this rule occurs when the hemorrhoid becomes prolapsed and hangs outside the sphincter. It is not uncommon for a person to have internal hemorrhoids and not even be aware of it.

For most people, treatment of this condition is simple and not invasive. One may be able to fix the problem simply by increasing the amount of fiber they consume each day. This helps soften the stool, and also aids digestion. Breads, cereals, fruits, and nuts are all good foods which contain a great deal of fiber.

Increasing fluid intake is another piece of advice that a patient can expect to receive. Proper hydration helps to keep stools soft. Fruit juices are a natural laxative, which aids in the passing of stools. Patients are cautioned not to strain too hard when attempting to pass fecal matter, and it is important not to hold it too long. Children still learning to use the toilet will sometimes hold their stools too long and can suffer hemorrhoids as a result. If one has trouble passing a stool, taking a gentle laxative can be a good idea. These are easily located over-the-counter in drug stores.

There are several home remedies which people may utilize to treat and cure hemorrhoids. A common recipe is to boil the peelings of a pomegranate to drink as a tea. Sweetening this with honey can also help heal and facilitate a healthy digestive tract. This concoction should be consumed twice daily. Also, mixing ground mustard with yogurt, washed down with a glass of buttermilk is a common remedy.

There are many options for anyone seeking a natural cure for piles. Ground mustard and yogurt or goats milk is a common treatment for hemorrhoids which need immediate relief. Radish juice with honey is another commonly used home remedy which helps to relieve as well as treat the condition. For immediate relief, some people will treat the affected area with coconut oil. It is important to point out that using the coconut oil is only to relieve the discomfort, and does not actually treat the condition.

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